Friday 19 November 2010

Final Fantasy 7 AC: Cloud Action Figure

I Finally got a chance to buy more Final Fantasy action figures for my collection! This time, I bought Cloud figurine from GameStation. A well detailed action figure, The clothing is from the movie Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children. The figure comes with a buster sword, a stand and two extra hands, in case if you lose any.
The sword is quite long, just like how it was on the anime/video game. It's a lot durable although there are chances for the paint to come off easily.

Some cool poses. 
Vaan: Arggghhhh!!! Not my neck!!!

His hair looks wonderful. Very ergonomic.
And this is my other Final Fantasy XII group: Ashe and Vaan

 FF7 meeting with FF XII.


Sunday 31 October 2010

Quizilla Quiz

Taking random quizzes are fun when you're extremely bored and left with nothing else to do. is a site where you can create your own quiz or take the ones that other people have made. I took a few and here's my result for "What colour is your soul?" (Personality one.)

Your soul colour is...
Purple. Purple, when dark, is a serious colour... but light purple is associated with happiness and 'girliness' - It seems you have something like a dual personality. It may not be pure schizophrenia, but you sometimes change suddenly and you're friends are left wondering about what just happened. Usually you're very happy and hyper, but when the going gets tough, the tough get serious.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Dragon Ball Z Kai

Dragon Ball Z Kai is the remake of the original anime series in high definition and better graphic quality. This anime has less fillers compared to the previous one, thus reducing the episodes to a total of 100 episodes. It is still an ongoing anime. The story starts off with Goku as an adult and him being introduced to his saiyan heritage.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas

Probably the most underrated anime ever, Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas is a prequel to the original anime which is also known as Knights Of The Zodiac, and takes place in the 18th century. The story of the anime revolves around Greek Mythology, with Tenma, Alone and Sasha, three orphans living together with a strong friendship bond and protecting one another. Their fate separates them at a different age as Alone's sister, Sasha finds out that she is the reincarnation of Athena, Tenma becomes the Pegasus saint/knight and they eventually have to war against , Alone who is awakened as Hades, putting old friends into battle and triggering the new holy war.
Trailer for Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas

Saturday 2 October 2010

Blood Type Personality

In Japan, knowing your blood type is important as they are used to determine one's personality. Blood type horoscope and matchmaking according to blood type is also very popular in Japan. Even anime, manga and video game characters are given blood types according to their personality. Below is a chart showing traits according to blood type:-

In summary:
Type A: The Farmer (?)
People with blood type A are also considered to be the classic "type A's": stressed and conscientious. In anime, people like Hotohori fushigi yuugi are type A's.

Type B: The Hunter
People with blood type B are often considered more relaxed, freewheeling, and unconventional than other types. In anime, the off-the-wall types are type B, along with any kind of well-intended character who's ruled by their impulses like Naruto.

Type AB: The Humanist
AB is considered the worst blood type in Japan. They're known to be sensitive and have soft feelings but are also considered as the split personalities in blood type. Anime villains are likely to be type AB like Cloud from Final Fantasy. Me being AB, I'm so glad I don't live in Japan. ^^

Type O: The Warrior
Type O are known to be the neutral, balanced and sociable among the blood types. An example would be Ichigo from Bleach.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Devil May Cry 5 to be a Reboot?

Link for Devil May Cry 5 trailer TGS 2010

For those who know the Devil May Cry series...

Main character for DmC. 
Is he meant to be Dante or the "Frankenstein" from the 1931 movie? 
CAPCOM! what did you do to his hair colour and his character???

The last one does not even fit the time line at all. I just hope CAPCOM doesn't ruin this game as well.